Client Case Study | First Site Colchester

J&J Cleaning have been providing cleaning solutions for First Site Colchester as part of an ongoing contract. Find out more about how we provide the commercial cleaning they require.

First Site, based in Colchester, are a contemporary art gallery with an on-site cafe and plenty of event space. They were in need of regular cleaners to keep the entire gallery space up to a high standard, as well as requiring a thorough deep clean in their kitchen area to keep up hygiene and safety standards.

We've been working with First Site now on an ongoing contract for several months, our cleaners are on site 7 days a week now for a general clean. We also provide extra cleans after any special events held in their event space, including weddings, meetings, and conferences. Our team of kitchen cleaners are also brought in regularly to perform a deep clean on the kitchen.

If you would like to find out more about our specialist commercial cleaning solutions, take a look here. For your free quotation please fill out our contact form here.